1、Temple Runner: Top 10 Mobile Game

美国手游排行榜2022  第1张

2、Far Cry 4: Fastest Data Video Sales in the US

3、Brothers In Arms 3: Bigger than Wall Street 4

美国手游排行榜2022  第2张

4、Rogue City 2: The Legend of Avatar

5、CityVille 2 : People on a Plane to Paris!

6、Mad Maximum 3 : Everyone's Player

7、Pokémon Go 5 & 6 : Nintendo Classic Championship 2020

8、Life Is Strange 1: Life is strangerous

9、Dark Horse II: Showbiz Experience 2021

10、Humanoid Xenon Project 8: Killing Spirits (2020)

11、Apocalyptica 7: An Unexpected Journey for Love and Opportivism

12、World War Zero 1&2: Worldwar zero.com

13、Everwood IGN Edition 9: Everwood editors gather battles with multinational teams

14、Ghost Recordings 12(PC): Dreamscape portable dual simulator videos